2 Wholesome Mindfulness Meditations Your Kids Will Love

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  • ภาษาไทย

Simply put, mindfulness is the art of being fully conscious and paying attention. When we are aware, we pay attention to what is going on in the present. We can also choose where to direct our attention by focusing it on something useful, and distracting it from something unnecessary, by using mindfulness meditations to calm our nerves and maintain awareness.

Foster the habit of being mindful in your kids by following mindfulness meditations:

Guided Relaxation

This practice works wonders for children of all age groups, whether they’re acting out, stressed out, experiencing trouble sleeping, or sick in bed.

Follow these steps to guide your little ones:

1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position and shut your eyes.

2. Take a couple of deep, and calming breaths to relax.

3. Start focusing on your right foot. Notice how it feels, make it into a fist, and clench it tightly. Hold this position and take two deep breaths.

4. Release the foot suddenly and relax it altogether. Sense the tingling sensation as the tension releases.

5. Squeeze each body part one at a time as described previously to create tension, followed by release. Take a deep, calming breath after you’re done with each body part.

After you’re finished guiding your kid through the mindfulness meditation, ensure that they spend a few minutes in a quiet space, and encourage them to keep a steady breath, by inhaling and exhaling at a regular pace.

The Balloon

This guided mindfulness meditation adds a visual element to a very simple deep breathing exercise. To make the meditative exercise a bit more interesting for younger kids, ask them to imagine that their stomach is a brightly colored balloon.

The meditation can be done standing or sitting.

1. Relax your body and start taking slow, deep breaths in and out through your nose.

2. Allow your breath to fill your stomach with air, like trying to blow up a big balloon. Stretch your stomach as much as possible.

3. Slowly exhale the air through your nose, like you’re deflating the balloon.

4. Encourage your children to notice how their whole body relaxes with each exhale, each time the air slowly comes out of the balloon. You can also whistle to make the child slow down even more.

5. Repeat the steps a couple of times.

Try these mindfulness meditations to encourage more mindfulness, attentiveness, awareness, and overall balance for your children. Please visit The Mindfulness Academy of Asia (MAA)